Trevor And Perry
Hello, our names are Trevor and Perry and we are two senior boys whose mom recently died leaving us without a home. You might not recognize us because we are Lowchen, which means "little lion" in German, and are a fairly rare breed that is related to the Bichon and the Havanese. Our hair is cut in a way to make us look like little lions. Our breed is known to be a very healthy one so we can easily live to be 15-16 years old, especialy if we are treated like little "lion kings". We have just been checked out by the vet and were given an excellent bill of health. Our foster mom tells us we are really sweet and we get along well with other dogs. Our favorite thing to do during the day is to lay around soaking up the sun and then at night just curl up with our family If you would like more information about us or would like to set up an appointment to meet us please call 708-302-1604 and ask for Suzanne or e-mail her at We can also be seen at the adoption event next Saturday, April 6th at Whiskers and Wags, Upscale Resale and Adoption Center, 1126 W.
Maple Ave., Mundelein, IL..
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*PLEASE NOTE: All our breed profiles are general, and all dogs are individuals. Always talk to the breeders and meet the owners you are buying from. Try to meet the dog and its parents if it is a puppy in their home environment.