Gorgeous Martina! She's approx 3-4 yrs old and weighs about 70lbs. She's awesome with all other dogs and is sweet as can be! She LOVES to be with her people so should not be left for more than a 4-5hours. She's built like and looks like a shepherd, but her hair is a bit thicker and softer than a purebred shepherd so we believe she has a bit of husky in the mix. Martina has great manners and is really quite the cuddler! She's polite when taking food and even when playing with toys. She's has a wonderful, friendly, balanced temperament so will even be a great family dog for kids over 10yrs old. She must have a fenced backyard in which to play, and preferably another like size dog with which to run and wrestle. .
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*PLEASE NOTE: All our breed profiles are general, and all dogs are individuals. Always talk to the breeders and meet the owners you are buying from. Try to meet the dog and its parents if it is a puppy in their home environment.