Gorgeous Izzy is 2 yrs old and about 40lbs. She is gorgeous and very sensitive. She is good with other dogs but has never been around cats. Probably not the best around toddlers. She is very shy and will take some time to adjust. Her foster mom will work on the adjustment before moving her permanently into an adoptive home. Izzy LOVES her foster dad. She snuggles on the couch with him and gives him hugs. She is not a big player with other dogs. She prances around some and will run with the others but not get into a big playing match. Izzy is going through HW treatment that has been customized to her. The adoptive home would need to work with the foster mom on continuing HW treatment. She will be required to be on preventative the rest of her life. Please email for more details. .
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*PLEASE NOTE: All our breed profiles are general, and all dogs are individuals. Always talk to the breeders and meet the owners you are buying from. Try to meet the dog and its parents if it is a puppy in their home environment.