Clare is a female Red-Nosed Pit Bull who is only 2-3 years old.
She is a smaller Pittie who is weighing in at only 42 pounds! Sometimes Clare (who we affectionately sometimes call Clare-bear) is a little afraid but is a real lover! On the day of her ‘photo shoot,’ Clare was happy to be out in the yard and was running from person to person! She still has a young personality and wanted to play, jump and lay on her back and have her belly rubbed! She may be little, but she it mighty- I think I even saw her smiling! Clare is a traveling girl! She was originally rescued from a kill shelter and then moved to New Orleans with her new family…only to be re-dumped at a different kill shelter.
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Clare Pictures & Videos
Clare is a female Red-Nosed Pit Bull who is only 2-3 years old.
She is a smaller Pittie who is weighing in at only 42 pounds! Sometimes Clare (who we affectionately sometimes call Clare-bear) is a little afraid but is a real lover! On the day of her ‘photo shoot,’ Clare was happy to be out in the yard and was running from person to person! She still has a young personality and wanted to play, jump and lay on her back and have her belly rubbed! She may be little, but she it mighty- I think I even saw her smiling! Clare is a traveling girl! She was originally rescued from a kill shelter and then moved to New Orleans with her new family…only to be re-dumped at a different kill shelter.
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