Jingo is a 4 year old ex racing greyhound that has just retired from the racing world and is now looking for a much slower pace of life.Jingo is a friendly, gentle boy who has a nice calm nature and lovely personality.
Jingo walks really nicely on the lead but loves to be running around in our enclosed area chasing after his favorite toy.
Jingo is sociable with other dogs and could live with another dog pending introductions at the centre.
If Jingo has a place in your heart then please fill out the online home finder today.
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*PLEASE NOTE: All our breed profiles are general, and all dogs are individuals. Always talk to the breeders and meet the owners you are buying from. Try to meet the dog and its parents if it is a puppy in their home environment.
Jingo Pictures & Videos
Jingo is a 4 year old ex racing greyhound that has just retired from the racing world and is now looking for a much slower pace of life.Jingo is a friendly, gentle boy who has a nice calm nature and lovely personality.
Jingo walks really nicely on the lead but loves to be running around in our enclosed area chasing after his favorite toy.
Jingo is sociable with other dogs and could live with another dog pending introductions at the centre.
If Jingo has a place in your heart then please fill out the online home finder today." >