Fonzi is an active and high energy little character. He is full of life and very typical of the terrier breed - he loves to be on the go, seeking out new adventures, this is not a lap dog to be molly-coddled.
Fonzi is friendly with people and will come over for a fuss. He is an intelligent boy and already knows SIT and both PAWS, he likes treats and food will be good to use for further training.
Fonzi adores playing with toys - any kind will do - but prefers to take them away to have a game. Fonzi is social with other dogs and enjoys chase-me type games with other dogs if they are up for playing.
Although he likes meeting dogs out and about he would like to be the only dog in his new home as he has displayed some jealousy in his previous home. He cannot live with a cat or any small animals due to his high chase drive.
Fonzi will need access to his own very secure garden. Fonzi is looking for experienced terrier owners who can provide rules, guidance and further training from the start.
He is a great dog for the terrier enthusiast with plenty of potential in an experienced and active home.
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*PLEASE NOTE: All our breed profiles are general, and all dogs are individuals. Always talk to the breeders and meet the owners you are buying from. Try to meet the dog and its parents if it is a puppy in their home environment.