
Barnaby is completely food obsessed. There is not much that he doesn't eat. His favourites are salmon and mackerel skin, banana, apple, courgettes, cheese and carrots. We always have clean a kitchen floor and so does my mother in law! We need to be careful what we leave on the counter. Normally a very noisy eater unless he is "helping himself" to something he is not supposed to and he is as quiet as one can imagine. His obsession is so great that his recall works better on food categories than calling by his name! His second obession are balls- any kind of balls like tennis balls, footballs or frisbies. I need to carry always my " chuck it" with me when we go for a walk otherwise it won't be considered as a proper walk by Barnaby. Plus this is the only thing that keeps him with me when he sees other people with a ball- well, most of the time. Sometimes the temptation is too big and he wants to play with the other dog's ball or wants to play with other people's frisby. There is no point of getting upset- that's how it is and most of the time people don't mind at all. He loves also to play with sticks. It is one of his favourite things to find the biggest stick and carry it with him. When he thinks it is time for me to join in then he simply drops his stick and I have to try to throw the big and heavy stick as far as I can. Also, he is a great swimmer - he loves the water. But he never jumps into the water because he doesn't like to have his head under water, so he runs into it instead. Barnaby is a very social happy dog and makes friends easily. In fact he has more friends where we live than we do. Most of the time when he meets people he loves or takes an instant liking to he will jump up. Unfortunately this is something I can't make him stop to do, so I need always to watch you and anticipate if he might jump. Another favourite of Barnaby are cushions! He loves them- the more the better. He always sleeps with a pillow under his head- it actually helps to rest properly. But no matter how fast asleep he is a little sound from the kitchen like opening the refrigerator and he is right awake and a second later next to me! He loves me being in the kitchen- his favourite place in the house. Since we have Barnaby I do cook more- he insists! So, when I am cooking he is watching me from under the table like a halk in case there are any droppings. Hence the clean kitchen floor:-)
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*PLEASE NOTE: All our breed profiles are general, and all dogs are individuals. Always talk to the breeders and meet the owners you are buying from. Try to meet the dog and its parents if it is a puppy in their home environment.