Aiden was adopted from us 6 years ago and had to be returned because the owner was unwell and not able keep him. When he arrived he was very overweight and had an ear infection. He is on a strict diet and having regular excerise and the weight is starting to come off him, he new owners will need to keep this up and make sure he doesn't get any tip bits as we are sure this is what he was used to in his previous home. Aiden has been in our care for a month before being able to start looking for a new home becuase of his ear infection, this has now been given the all clear by the vets and he can finally start his search for a new home. He is a friendly boy with so much love to give. He already knows some of the basic commands and walks well on and off lead, he has a great re-call so once new owners are confident he will be able to go off lead. Aiden gets along well with other dogs both males and females and regularly goes for walks with others. He will be able to live with children all ages as long as they are used to large dogs.
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*PLEASE NOTE: All our breed profiles are general, and all dogs are individuals. Always talk to the breeders and meet the owners you are buying from. Try to meet the dog and its parents if it is a puppy in their home environment.