
In my own words
I’m not really the worrying type – it’s my wrinkles, they just make me look anxious. The more on the alert I am, the more anxious I look, but it doesn’t mean anything, honest. I’m very reliable actually, and all I really want is a family to play with. Not wanting to boast, I can be very brave you know. If anyone broke into the house they wouldn’t stand a chance – not with me standing on their chest! That’s why most people have dogs like me – they start off wanting a dog to protect them and their home, and end up getting the best family dog ever. But hey, who am I to boast?
My ideal owner(s)
Outdoor types
What they say about me
Please read on, to find out more about me, and whether I will be someone you can be happy with for the next 10 years!
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Information essential about the Bullmastiff
Kennel Club Group:
Large: Male height: 25 – 27” (64 – 69 cm) to shoulder, female 24 – 26” (61 – 66 cm)
Male weight 110 – 130 lb (50 – 59 kg) Female 90 – 110 lb (41 – 50 kg)
Popular for a dog of this great size, as they are such good house dogs.
Breed History:
Bullmastiffs are derived from crossing Old English Mastiffs with Bulldogs, though not the short, squash faced Bulldogs we know today, but the old fashioned kind with longer legs and noses. Historically they were always used as guard dogs, and also used to help gamekeepers catch and arrest poachers. Being gentle, devoted creatures at heart, they are now accepted as being excellent house dogs.
Your Bullmastiff is intelligent and observant and easily trained although he does need a reason for doing what you ask of him. He is physically and mentally one of the most reliable of breeds, though takes time to mature, roughly 3 ½ years. Bullmastiffs are naturally playful and upbeat and make great walking or hiking companions as they need at least two hours exercise every day. Out walking, he can be strong, but will be obedient if his training has been thorough. At home he will be good with any other pets he has been brought up with. Your Bullmastiff is a quiet dog, and will only bark if he thinks there is something to be alarmed about. You’ll always feel safe as long as he is around.
Gentle, playful and sweet natured, your Bullmastiff is someone you can rely on to always be the same. Not moody or difficult but totally devoted to his family. But if anyone threatens you, he will defend you with absolute courage and bravery. He is quick to assess a situation, and will sense that it’s time to go and play or go for a walk before you’ve got out of your chair. His hearing is very acute, and he can tell you someone is at the door minutes before they get there, and tell you when Master’s car has just turned the corner 200 yards away. He will take pride in his duties, and thrives on praise and cuddles.
Your Bullmastiff should give a powerful, symmetrical impression, showing great strength, but not cumbersome. His head should be large and square, wrinkled when interested, but not when in repose. He should have a pronounced stop, and a short, blunt muzzle, square at the nose which should be broad with wide spread nostrils. His flews should not hang below his lower jaw. Dark or hazel eyes (not yellow!) should be wide set with a slight furrow between. His v-shaped ears should be set on wide and high and folded back. He should have a well arched neck of moderate length, very muscular with almost the same circumference as the skull. He should have a deep, broad chest, sloping but muscular shoulders and his forelegs should be straight and strong, set wide apart making a straight line down from the shoulder. His back should be short and straight, leading to wide, muscular loins and strong hind legs. Avoid cow hocks, as they are a weakness. His feet should be well arched and catlike with nice tight toes. His tail should be set on high, length to reach his hocks. His coat should be short and hard, never woolly or long, weather resistant, lying flat to his body.
Bullmastiffs can be fawn, red or brindle, and although a solid colour is preferred, a little white on the chest is permissible
Your Bullmastiff is an amenable chap, and is easy to train. Just don’t ask him to do something just for the sake of it. He needs a reason to do anything, and is too intelligent to be fooled. He matures late, around 3 ½ and will retain his puppyish playfulness well into middle age, so make sure to have the occasional practice session to keep him up to scratch.
As far as grooming goes, once a week is ideal. Your Bullmastiff will shed all the year round, so regular brushing will help him get rid of his spare hair.
Like most very large dogs, Bullmastiffs are not long lived, eight to ten years being the average, though some do not make it that far due to ill health. Most of the diseases are hereditary, especially hip and elbow dysplasia, cancer and hypothyroidism. Arthritis is common as in most very large dogs, and also gastric torsion (bloat). Bloat can be prevented by taking care to feed your Bullmastiff several small meals a day and not exercising too soon after a meal. With care and attention, your healthy Bullmastiff should be a happy, high spirited pal a good long time.
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The following grid gives a fast track review which covers all breeds. You can apply it to help you decide if a Bullmastiff is suitable for you, the environment where you live, your personality and your lifestyle. On the grid, 1= strongly disagree, and 5= strongly agree. For example, if you are looking for a good walking companion, look down the list under Activities, and you will see that Bullmastiffs love their exercise, scoring 5. If you want a playful companion, look down the same list, and you will see that Bullmastiffs love to fetch, and score 5. You might like to save or print off this section and keep it for reference while you check some other breeds before making your final choice.
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*PLEASE NOTE: All our breed profiles are general, and all dogs are individuals. Always talk to the breeders and meet the owners you are buying from. Try to meet the dog and its parents if it is a puppy in their home environment.